Those little things.

You know the feeling when you're on a date and you notice that there's some minor thing annoying you in the other person's personality or way of speaking or chewing or laughing or whatever, but you just tell yourself "Well, that's okay. I could live with that."

I've yet to notice even one of those things in you.

Logic, where are you?!

I'm a rational, reason-first and an organized kind of guy. I always find logic in things and I can always out-smart my thoughts to evolve in to something concrete and comprehensible. But I can't put my foot down on this one. It makes no sense how all the small things matter so much when they're about you. I find myself staring in emptiness, wondering how you make me feel. It's almost like nothing else matters. But that has no logic in it, a lot of stuff should matter no matter how deep my feelings would be for someone.

I do find logic for having these feelings. Without these I felt like something was missing. With them I know what is missing.


You've proven me wrong. I told you I don't believe in love. I told you that it's just a sum of one's cherishing thoughts that one has for another. What I didn't know was how deep and fulfilling those thoughts can get. And how they can drive you nuts. How they can wear you down. And how those full, mysterious, sneaky, creepy feelings form... love?

Thinking of you.

I can't sleep. I can't sleep because of you. I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking of you. I wonder what you'd think if you knew how much I'm thinking of you.